Know Your Environment
A healthy relationship with the coastal environment begins like any other, with listening.
The coastal system provides a home to billions.
Coastal Measures provides a way to listen this environment so that we can lean how to protect it and ourselves.
Supporting coasts requires accurate environmental information. Coastal Measures supports the natural environment by accumulating critical metrics that promote sustainable development.
Hardware Integration
We work directly with sensor providers to integrate their data into CUMULUS. This ensures a seamless experience for users.
Real-time Data Analysis
Data does not become information until it is analyzed. Use our real-time analysis tools to gain valuable information about your environment.
Resource Characterization
Work with our highly experienced environmental scientists to plan effective data aquisition plans that will deliver impactful data.
Our Partners

A unified enviornmental data hub for all
Data storage, fusion, analytics, and AI at your finger tips.
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A program for sensor manufacturers to plug directly into CUMULUS while maintaining their brand.
You have a state-of-the-art sensor, but a not so state-of-the-art backend data system (or maybe none at all). No problem. The Capillary partnership program enables your company to deliver a premium data product through CUMULUS while maintaining your brand.
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